Your first, best destiny…

Posted: September 30, 2010 by Waffles the Trekkie in Uncategorized

“If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion. Commanding a starship is your first, best destiny. Anything else is a waste of material.” – Commander Spock to Admiral Kirk

As some of you may know, I’ve started getting into Star Trek. I was watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and heard this quote. The scene – Kirk is an admiral now in Star Fleet and he is miserable. He essentially has a desk job and only gets to see his old crew when it’s a matter of business. He is going through a midlife crisis and a birthday all at one time and is not a happy camper. He opens up to Spock about feeling useless and old and Spock busts out with the quote at the top. This got me thinking… are we all really destined to do something? The key word is destiny, which is what this post will be about.

I am currently working a retail job for a decent company, and yet I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will not be there for an extended amount of time. This isn’t what I went to college for and this is certainly not where my dreams are taking me. My response, after hearing this quote, is to wonder if teaching music is really what I’m supposed to do with my life. I’ve gotten good at many things over the last 3-5 years and I’m just wondering if it’s possible to be truly destined to do one thing and have one singular passion in life.

Well, this wraps up my ramblings for now. Thanks for reading 🙂

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